still got 7++ hours
my 18 years old birthday will coming soon
before the moment
i think you will celebrate with me
you really go back already
but not to celebrate with me
i have to think when i wake up today
i feel so hopeful
how you will celebrate with me
actually i just want you be my side
thats is a nice gift already
but why the god send the tear for me be my gift?
i hate i'm crying
let me feel so useless
you ask me don't cry
actually when i saw the word u type
my tears fall down already
don't worry about me
i'm not in your heart..
always not!
i'm just a bird in your sky
thats your conclusion..
or i need to say
you always no need me to accumpanny you
just i need u..
that few day i really very happy..
really really..
i will keep all the memory we have in my deep heart..
thats a wonderful memory
i'm not important in your world
the bird want to fly away the sky already
it want to find its sky..
just for its sky
u are always be the sea
not be the bird
i can't walk in your heart
because full seating already
i know your means already
i want buy a big pillow for me to hug in night
i want sleep very well without you
i want live very happy without you
i won'y cry in everyday without you
i won't feel so pain when i see you and your sea
i will eat medicine without you take for me
i will walk myself when my stomach pain
i will hug my pillow when i cold
i will hug my pillow when i feel scare
you want i run out your world
you want i go find a nice man
you want i stay in his side
you want i go out with him
you want i clever
you want i heard the advised by my friend
is it the means is you want i let you go out from my heart?
is it you want i let him stay inside my heart?
is it you want i stay away your world?
if that really you want..
i try my best to do it for you..
you can go back your simple life
you will live very happy without me
you will not be complicated
you really is a nice man
i will learn how to take care myself without you
you know it..
i'm very healthy and strong..
never never sick one
your sea need you very much
my sick will be fine without eat medicine
don't worry
the sick just a small matter
i don't want cry
you don't like i'm cry
i don't want see my tears
i want be strong
i want let you stay away my heart
you want let me stay away your heart
even though your door never open for me
don't want let me stay near by your heart..
i will can't control myself
we are best friend always
best friend forever
you are my mr.right
but we meet at the wrong time
everything become wrong already
all become crazy
last quetion
will you feel more happy when you know..
i'm stay his side right now?
i think you will
that time can solve many problem
if like that
i try my best to do it
everything will go back the beginning
everything will be fine
will you say goodbye with me?
goodbye to you..
i will never forget the nice time we have..
i didn't hate you..
i won't cry again
because you don't like i'm crying
i won't let my tears fall down again
because you don't like to saw my tears
why my tears always fall down when i start to miss you.. love =)